Programme Sep 2024-May 2025

Programme may be downloaded here: Programme 2024-2025

Note members can now enter up to FOUR prints or PDIs for each competition where appropriate.

Please submit your entries via the PhotoEntry software using your personal log-in.


13 Sept 24
Sports Photography
Speaker: Ady Kerry QEP ABIPP
MCPF lecturer

20 Sept 24
Painting with light in Photoshop
Speaker: Dave Stewart
Hand in Colour pdi

27 Sept 24
Competition evening Colour pdi
Judge: Malcolm Hupman

4 Oct 24
Still Life and some Photoshop tips
Speaker: Horace Goodenough
Hand in Monochrome prints

11 Oct 24
Adventures in the middle of Nowhere
Speaker: Chris Newham

18 Oct 24
Competition evening Monochrome prints
Judge: Andrzej Jablonski LBIPP LMPA

25 Oct 24
Nature ‘rules’: how to interpret
Speaker: Peter Jones ARPS
Hand in Nature prints

1 Nov 24
MCPF Travelling portfolio

8 Nov 24
Competition Nature prints
Judge: Ian Pinn BPE2
Hand in Creative digital pdi

15 Nov 24
Art of Macro
Speaker: Tony North BPE5 MPAGB
Delivered by Zoom

22 Nov 24
Competition evening Creative digital pdi
Judge: Trina Fitzalan-Howard

29 Nov 24
Street photography and Architecture
Speaker: Ian Howard
Delivered by Zoom

6 Dec 24
Most recent projects
Speaker: John Whitby MFIAP EFIAPd2 MPAGB BPE3

13 Dec 24
Members’ evening
Social and AV

20 Dec 24
27 Dec 24

3 Jan 25

10 Jan 25
My journey into mono
Speaker: Kylie Ann Martin
MCPF speaker. Delivered by Zoom
Hand in Scapes pdi

17 Jan 25
Members’ evening
Subject TBC

24 Jan 25
Competition evening Scapes pdi
Judge: Janet Davies ARPS delivered by Zoom
Hand in Colour prints

31 Jan 25
Street photography and documentary including After the Coal Dust project
Speaker: John Gill
Delivered by Zoom

7 Feb 25
Competition evening Colour prints
Judge: Brian Garner

14 Feb 25
Birds of the National Forest-to FRPS and beyond.
Speaker: Martin Vaughan FRPS

21 Feb 25
Members’ evening
Subject TBC
Hand in Architecture pdi

28 Feb 25
My photography; landscapes. PRINT talk
Speaker: Ian Pinn BPE2
MCPF speaker

7 Mar 25
Competition evening Architecture pdi
Judge: Ken Page BPE1

14 Mar 25
An Audio visual Experience
Speaker: Graham Neville
MCPF speaker
Hand in People pdi

21 Mar 25
Speaker: Nigel Atkins

28 Mar 25
Competition evening people pdi
David Belton ARPS
Hand in Monochrome pdi

4 Apr 25
Same but different
Speaker: Lesley Grand Scrutton With Andrew Ling. PRINT TALK
NEMPF speakers

11 Apr 25
Competition evening Monochrome pdi
Judge: Robert Ings
Hand in Presidents set subject DETAIL. Prints

18 Apr 25

25 Apr 25
Competition evening President’s set subject DETAIL. Prints
Judge: Chris Whitford

2 May 25

9 May 25

16 May 25

23 May 25